Outdoor webcam timelapse videos

Download the mobile app from the app stores to view hundreds of constantly refreshing and up-to-date timelapse videos from ski resort, transportation, or scenic webcams throughout the United States.


Timelapse videos of static webcams

No longer do you have to constantly be browsing your favorite ski resort’s site to watch a boring static webcam image show a pile of snow.  Now that static image is brought to life with an automatically generated timelapse video that can be reviewed weeks or months back in time.

Alta Ski Resort

Mount Superior webcam within Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah.


Webcams near you

Browse, search, or use your phone’s location to find the nearest timelapse camera videos near you.  And use the filter capability to select particular types of webcams from ski resorts to snow markers to lakes to transportation. 

Add New Cameras

From a variety of types of media formats

Piclapse was originally founded to make boring static webcam images more dynamic.  Anyone can add new .jpg camera URLs to Piclapse to start being tracked.  Additionally, the platform also supports more advanced streaming formats from high end devices that stream from YouTube as well as serve the m3u8 format.


Users who have the app can add new cameras to the list on their own. Simply copy the webcam's image URL and proceed through the 3-step questionaire in the app to add it to Piclapse's list of cameras that it tracks and from which it creates timelapse videos.


Many higher end webcams now stream via YouTube. Piclapse is also capable of capturing timelapse videos from these sources. If you have a YouTube streaming camera you'd like to add, fill out the request below.


Additionally streaming formats leverage the M3U8 formats for long running embedded streaming video on websites. Similar to to the YouTube, fill out the form below to request our administrators to add a new M3U8 videos source to Piclapse's list.

Request new camera

Relive and Experience the


With hundreds of cameras creating new timelapse videos every day, down the app now to start looking back in time from your favorite outdoor cameras.